Mondays with Mandelstam: “Rough Draft” (1937)

Here, in the final installment of “Mandelstam”, we end roughly where we began, with the […]

Todd Brewer / 10.28.13

christ-of-the-abyss-0401 Here, in the final installment of “Mandelstam”, we end roughly where we began, with the poem echoed by Christian Wiman in his outstanding book “My Bright Abyss”. Wiman was my gateway into Mandelstam and his translation has proved to be both thoughtful and moving. This poem also serves as a excellent summary of Mandelstam and his quest to find light amid the darkness.

“Rough Draft” (1937)

Provisionally, then, and secretive,
I speak a truth whose time is not:

It lives in love and the pain of love,
In sweat, and the sky’s playful vacancy.

A whisper, then, a purgatorial prayer,
A testament of one man, in one place:

Our bright abyss is also – and simply – happiness,
And this expanding, life-demanding space
A lifetime home for us.

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2 responses to “Mondays with Mandelstam: “Rough Draft” (1937)”

  1. Ken says:

    Thanks again, Todd. I don’t know when and where I would have read these enriching poems if you hadn’t posted them.

  2. Luisa says:

    Thank you! I have fallen madly and deeply in love with the works of Mandelstam. I would never have been introduced to his work otherwise. The glory of the LORD in creating language. Joyous!

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