The End of To-Do List Christianity – Tullian Tchividjian

We knew this day would come. It’s been a fun ride but we’ve officially reached […]

Mockingbird / 5.31.13

We knew this day would come. It’s been a fun ride but we’ve officially reached the end of the road, NYC Conference video-wise. And our final installment just so happens to be Tullian’s second talk (and closing Q&A), which describes an end of a different kind. To watch part one, go here. And thanks again, so much, to Mark and David Babikow for making it all possible:

Tullian Tchividjian | The End of To-Do List Christianity from Mockingbird on Vimeo.

You may download the audio recording by clicking here.

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4 responses to “The End of To-Do List Christianity – Tullian Tchividjian”

  1. the Old Adam says:

    That’s all well and good.

    But how do you get it? Do you snatch this freedom giving Word out of the air?

    ‘Means of grace’.

    No one in Evangelical circles is talking about them. And there is where the freedom and assurance are to be found.

  2. BW says:

    I agree with Tullian Tchividjian in some areas of his talk. I agree with him about justification, Christ has done it all. Nothing can be added to it. It is all Christ.

    Yet, I have to disagree with Tullian that, as I think he alludes to, that the Law has nothing more to add to the life of a Christian. Maybe I am misunderstanding him. In Martin Luther’s Complete Antinomian Theses And Disputations, though, it is readily apparent that Luther argues for and allows for the Law’s having a purpose in sanctifying the Christan. I think here he is consistent with the New Testament and the church fathers. The Lutheran Confessions would call this Third Use of the Law.

    One way that Luther kind of demonstrates the use of the Law plays out in the life of the Christian is with the Table of Duties in the Small Catechism, where it gives instruction on how children, parents, spouses, citizens ought to act.

  3. THANK YOU! You describe the theology I have been proclaiming and getting much resistance about. Awesome job!

  4. PK says:

    If God’s Word is constantly speaking truth to resist Satan and pursue righteous living like Christ.. How does the idea of Christ’s work on the cross freeing us to sin fit in.. I would think that scripture points to Christ’s work freeing us to pursue the righteousness without the burden of needing to earn salvation.

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