Fort Dix, New Jersey

R-J Heijmen / 2.28.13


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14 responses to “Fort Dix, New Jersey”

  1. Anne says:

    Is this the army base?

  2. Joseph W says:

    Or not…

  3. Rebecca W says:

    Love this.

    There is a way which seems right to a man? …

  4. Matt Schneider says:

    Reminds me of the sign at the entrance of the Auschwitz concentration camp: “Arbeit Macht Frei” (Work makes one free). Dante got the subtext right: “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate” (Abandon all hope, ye who enter here). What does the sign say at Bastoy prison say?

  5. michael cooper says:

    “Don’t forget to apply your sunscreen.”…..There’s just law, law, law everywhere.

  6. Lisa says:

    I lived there in the 70’s– doesn’t look familiar, though I was a kid. I will say Ft Dix has always been an armpit.

  7. Nick Thurmer says:

    “Obedience/received faith, from the One who fulfilled the Law is freedom!

    Thought provoking post! Thanks R.J.!!

  8. Alison says:

    I’m about to walk through the very gates (apparently) of Fort Dix to join the US ARMY here in NJ – I test next week. Call me crazy. No, really, tell me I’m crazy to do that if you think so. And the timing of this post is perfect…it feels like a cosmic joke on me.

  9. R-J Heijmen says:

    Allison –

    that’s amazing! I don’t know if you’re crazy(God works in mysterious ways:), but can you verify if this picture actually is Ft Dix? That would be awesome.

  10. Alison says:

    O man! 😛
    Uhmm…I didn’t drive through those gates when I entered the Fort last week. But that looks like a “walking only” entrance, huh? Maybe when you drive onto the Fort (which is now a 3-in-one, joint base: McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst) the deception begins…It LOOKS like a regular, well-to-do neighborhood entrance with a security gate and a silly security guard, but the reality is barbed wire and rifles all around the perimeter.
    Maybe I should print up this picture, walk around the base, then ask all of the high-ranking officials what the heck the fence is for – all while declaring that I plan to enlist soon. Good idea?

  11. Larry Hellie says:

    That is the “foot gate” to the Fort Dix military police compound. I delivered US Army prisoners from Mannheim Stockade, West Germany to this MP compound from 1967 through 1969. Only dishonorable discharges were processed at Fort Dix. US Army personnel sentenced to serve prison time were transferred to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. The trip was by MP vehicle from Mannheim to USAF Base Frankfort, commercial charter to McGuire AFB (now part of JB Dix/McGuire). Trip to Leavenworth was MP escort to Trenton, NJ then by train to Kansas City, Kansas and MP vehicle to Fort Leavenworth.

  12. Sara says:

    The man in the background is my Grandpa Jerry. He served in the Korean War, was stationed at Fort Dix and Fort Leavenworth. He has more stories than you can even imagine!

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