Even As Though There Were No Law: William Tyndale on the Christian Life

Was William Tyndale, a founding father of Anglicanism, an antinomian? The following comes from his […]

Todd Brewer / 8.11.11

Was William Tyndale, a founding father of Anglicanism, an antinomian? The following comes from his Prologue to the book of Romans. In it he outlines a Christian life which is unflinchingly active in works, yet it does so wholly apart from the law. In the economy of the Christian life, the true purpose of the law is to become obsolete. For my money, it’s the closest thing I find to capturing what Paul meant when he said we are “not under law but under grace” (Rom. 6:15) The whole thing is worth a read, if you have the time. Please note, some of the language has been updated for reading ease:

To fulfill the law is to do the works thereof, and whatsoever the law commands, with love, lust, and inward affection and delectation, and to live godly and well, freely, willingly, and without compulsion of the law, even as though there were no law at all.

…For though you keep the law outwardly with works, for fear of rebuke, shame, and punishment, either for love of reward, advantage, and vainglory; … yea, inwardly, in your heart, you would that there were no law, no, nor yet God, the author and avenger of the law, if it were possible; so painful it is unto thee to have your appetites refrained, and to be kept down.

…But right faith is a thing wrought by the holy ghost in us, which changes us, turns us into a new nature, and begets us anew in God, and makes us the sons of God, as you read in the first of John; and kills the old Adam, and makes us altogether new in the heart, mind, will, lust, and in all our affections and powers of the soul; the holy ghost ever accompanying her, and ruling the heart. Faith is a lively thing, mighty in working, valiant, and strong, ever doing, ever fruitful so that it is impossible that he who is endued therewith should not work always good works without ceasing. He asks not whether good works are to be done or not, but has done them already, ere mention be made of them; and is always doing, for such is his nature; for quick faith in his heart, and lively moving of the spirit, drive him and stir him thereunto.


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4 responses to “Even As Though There Were No Law: William Tyndale on the Christian Life”

  1. Steve says:

    This understanding of faith has all but disappeared from the theological landscape. Most Christians only think in the categories of faith and works. We have trouble understanding that faith, being what faith is works. I don’t fully agree with all that William Law wrote but I do think his work entitled “Of Justification by Faith and Works,” is worth reading. Good post, I would like to read more of this work.

  2. John Zahl says:

    Not completely lost though, Steve, thanks in part to Mockingbird.

    It’s a great quote! Reminds me of the 39 Articles: “Article XII–Of Good Works

    Albeit that good works, which are the fruits of faith and follow after justification, cannot put away our sins and endure the severity of God’s judgement, yet are they pleasing and acceptable to God in Christ, and do spring out necessarily of a true and lively faith…”

    Sounds like something taken from “Grace in Practice” too. 😉

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