Zombies and Existential Angst

I was recently wandering around on iTunes U (looking to expand my provincial horizons) and […]

David Browder / 9.17.10

I was recently wandering around on iTunes U (looking to expand my provincial horizons) and found this series of podcasts devoted to zombies in film. Can you guess what university this came from? You guessed it… The University of Alabama. Roll Tide! We might not be Ivy League but we know our zombies, by God.

Anyway, this podcast actually tackles some interesting facets of human experience which are brought to the surface by zombie movies. Things like racism, religion, consumerism, and the specific fears of successive generations (like nuclear war, holocaust, biological disaster, and some others). Things that we discuss here on Mockingbird! Now, the hosts aren’t Hubert Dreyfus and Gerhard Forde (so don’t expect face-melting brilliance), but they do talk about some interesting topics and dance around some important ideas.
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One response to “Zombies and Existential Angst”

  1. Joshua Corrigan says:

    Roll Tide!!

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