The Church of Elevated Expectations (Plus)

Stampdawg / 6.24.10
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6 responses to “The Church of Elevated Expectations (Plus)”

  1. dpotter says:

    I see your dreadful church sign, and raise you one:

  2. DZ says:

    dylan- that is insane!! where did you find it?! (Stamper, yours is priceless too)

  3. StampDawg says:

    O…M…G. I fold.

    Is yours local? I saw mine on my way to the farmer's market. Should I go?

  4. dpotter says:

    I stumbled upon it on the interwebnets, but I think it is from Jady's church…Europeans.

  5. The Smiths in NYC says:

    Great photo. It says so much about us turning from Jesus, our intercedor to God, and back to ourselves. So, often we want to place so much emphasis on our human intercetion". What good is that and how is that meaningful for us anyway?

  6. Frank says:

    Well! Sounds more like “Failure Is Not An Option,” rather than the Gospel. “Excellence” is great and all, don’t get me wrong, but messy seems to be more of the real experience of life to me. If “failure is not an option,” then what about the Gospel ???

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