Beauty and Longing in Aston Martin

A couple of us Mockingbirds (Sean Norris and I) are serious petrolheads, as they say […]

R-J Heijmen / 8.4.09

A couple of us Mockingbirds (Sean Norris and I) are serious petrolheads, as they say across the pond.

I’m not quite sure what to say about our (silly?) obsession, but what follows is perhaps the most beautiful auto-related piece of art I have ever seen.

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. (Phil 4.8)

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11 responses to “Beauty and Longing in Aston Martin”

  1. Charles E. Jenkins says:

    not bad Heijmen.. but I am still a fan of the Maserati…or a ginormous S Class… 😉

  2. dpotter says:

    Great vid…I agree, the Top Gear people are amazing. Every week they come up with incredible camera angles/soundtracks for their reviews. This cilp, as you may know, is unique because Jezza isn't yammering on about flappy paddles or traction control. Anyway, we see a number of AM's here in Edinburgh, and the stock DB9 sounds like an enormous, angry pit bull in real life. I'm sure Jesus would've chosen one of these over a Prius if the incarnation had been delayed by a couple thousand years.

  3. Sean Norris says:


  4. L.R.E. Larkin says:

    R-J: you got a tweet from newrefpress.

  5. Jed says:

    If I work hard enough, and try hard enough and pray hard enough… then maybe, maybe I will be able to get one. Or at least a piece of rubber as it flies off the tire speeding passed my drooling face.

  6. R-J Heijmen says:

    that is hilarious.

    Protestants love them some cars!

    Of course, the Italians have the Germans beat hands down on that front:)

  7. Michael says:

    One man's materialism is another man's art. As for me, I just want a monster truck that can crush and roll right over a whole line of those little pointy cars. But I guess I'd have to catch them first.

  8. Sean Norris says:

    You bring up the true motorhead's dilemma: car or truck or bike? And don't forget about boats and jet-skis? The answer in my fantasy world is a warehouse full of all of them, not unlike Jay Leno's. His collection makes me drool just thinking about it.

    Personally, I have a "dream garage" list that I keep up to date on my computer. Right now it stands at only 70 different vehicles:) Let me tell you, it was hard to whittle it down to that!

    Hopefully, the mansion that God has built me in heaven has an enormous 70 bay garage attached. We'll see!

  9. Michael says:

    Sean, So it's 70 engines, not 70 virgins? Sounds more like heaven to me 🙂

  10. Sean Norris says:

    Definitely! That's hilarious:)

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