Miserable Offenders

One of the advantages of having a written and printed service, is that it enables […]

Stampdawg / 2.17.10

One of the advantages of having a written and printed service, is that it enables you to see when people’s feelings and thoughts have changed. When people begin to find the words of our service difficult to join in, that is of course a sign that we do not feel about those things exactly as our ancestors. Many people have, as their immediate reaction to that situation the simple remedy — “Well, change the words” — which would be very sensible if you knew that we are right and our ancestors were wrong. It is always at least worth while to find out who it is that is wrong.

— from “Miserable Offenders — An Interpretation of Prayer Book Language”
by C.S. Lewis

Read his short essay here. It’s not only a help in understanding why we use the words we do, on a day like Ash Wednesday, but a lovely meditation on daily life and what Mockingbird calls “reality.”
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4 responses to “Miserable Offenders”

  1. paul says:

    I believe this is a wonderful post.
    People change — 'My Baby Changes (Like the Weather)' — and the General Confession provides the barometer. We come up against these powerful diagnostic words, which 'hold the mirror up to nature, and see our condition as it really is. I think this is the only hope.
    Stampdawg has underlined this film-noir point on
    Ash Wednesday. Thank you!

  2. fcb4 says:

    What an amazing piece Lewis wrote there…Im going to use that in our Lenten journey. Thank you for posting it.

  3. StampDawg says:

    Glad you liked it, guys.

    Nice seeing you on here, Eric. I love the title on your profile ("19th level pastor"). That's gonna keep me cheerful for at least a month.

    Hope we see you in April.

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