The Missing 30 Rock-Muppet Show Connection

An inspired little piece that’s been making the rounds from Brian Lynch, writer of those […]

David Zahl / 6.10.09

An inspired little piece that’s been making the rounds from Brian Lynch, writer of those new Angel comics. (To bring things full circle, click here).

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3 responses to “The Missing 30 Rock-Muppet Show Connection”

  1. StampDawg says:

    I loved it. Thanks, Dave.

    Below are two more pieces that strike me as something you'd like. These are set in the world of Star Wars, rather than the Muppets, but they have a similar feel.

    "On The Implausibility of The Death Star's Trash Compactor"

    "The Force Skeptics Page"
    (a send-up of The Skeptical Inquirer)

  2. DZ says:

    John- Those are both priceless! I particularly like the first one:

    "Why does the trash compactor only compact trash sideways? Once ejected into space, wouldn't the flattened, living-room-sized, and extremely solid panes of trash that result from such a primitive, unidirectional trash compactor pose serious hazards for Empire starships in the vicinity?"

    "Why does the Empire care, anyway, about reducing its organic garbage output? Are we to believe that the architects of the Death Star, a group of individuals bent on controlling the entire known universe, are also concerned about environmental issues? "

  3. StampDawg says:

    Glad you liked it.

    I fell in love with the Death Star piece when I read its title, and when I read the opening two words "I maintain…."

    The guy boldly creates in a tiny space a world in which serious scholars are soberly and earnestly engaged in the great Trash Compactor Debate.

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