Another Excerpt from Whit Stillman’s The Last Days of Disco

Charlotte turned to her. “Alice, one thing I’ve noticed is that people hate being criticized. […]

David Zahl / 2.11.09

Charlotte turned to her. “Alice, one thing I’ve noticed is that people hate being criticized. Everyone hates that. It’s one of the great truths of human nature – I think it’s why my parents got divorced.”
Alice looked implicated. Her eyes began to water slightly.
“I’m sorry,” Charlotte added, apparently sincerely. “It’s just that you’re so terrific – it makes me sick to think that you might get in that terrible situation again where everyone hated you-“
Hated me?”
“You’re wonderful,” Charlotte said, sitting next to her. “Maybe, in physical terms, I’m a little cuter than you, but you should be
much more popular than I am… It’d be such a shame if what happened in college repeated itself.”

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7 responses to “Another Excerpt from Whit Stillman’s The Last Days of Disco”

  1. PZ says:

    This is a brilliant, funny, stunning, true quote.

  2. dpotter says:

    Now I feel as if I should see this movie.

    Paul, this reminds me of something you said once about how everyone hates unsolicited advice because it sounds like criticism/judgment.

  3. John Zahl says:

    See the movie! It’s so great! You’ll probably only find it on VHS unless you find one of the few covetted (i.e., selling on ebay for like $100) original dvds.

    Note: this “perfect” song is in there too!

  4. John Zahl says:

    Dave Zahl owns one of said dvd, btw…But guess who gets it if he dies?! 😉

  5. PZ says:

    His faaaather gets it.

  6. Leigh says:

    This is just sooo…IDK..woman. God love us.

  7. sbrbaby says:

    love the excerpt! but I really love Chloe’s crushed look (ok, and fabulous makeup) in the picture.

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